
Backdrop Beats

An eclectic collection of upbeat, positive, alternative and laid back electronica and hip hop.

The Art

Krzysztof Iwanski

Krzysztof Iwanski is an artist from Lodz, Poland who specialises in poster art, screen printing and painting. Krzysztof's works are of spontaneity and dynamism, striving for harmony and orderliness. He oscillates between styles derived from Neo-Plasticism and Constructivism as well as influences stemming from the tradition of Bauhause. Krzysztof distances himself from realistic presentation in favour of more abstract, geometric and minimized forms which overlap but do not cover one another completely. He aspires to make one shape visible through the other in order to create works in which arrangements seem to portray rules of order, harmony, balance and tension. Some of Krzysztof previous clients include Facebook, Amazon Studios, Walt Disney, Activision and The Polish Film School in Lodz.

Backdrop Beats by Krzysztof Iwanski

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